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Blu-ray Disc Authoring / BDCMF Master for Blu-ray replication

The Blu-ray disc authoring process is similar to the DVD Authoring process with some extra flexibility added, plus the use of the h264 file format at higher data rate and HD resolution it is much better quality than DVD-Video.

Edithouse can convert your Blu-ray 25GB ISO master to BDCMF master for replication for £50 ex.VAT and 50GB BDCMF (double-layer) for £75 ex.VAT

Guide Prices: (Please contact for precise price)
Menu Pages 0 0 2 4 8
Buttons Per Page 0 0 5 5 5
Footage Time / Minutes up to 60 120 30 60 120
Chapter Points Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Blu-ray 25GB Master disc
(with printing)
1 1 1 1 1
Price £90 £120 £160 £200 £260

DVD Authoring

The authoring process is best described as the organizing and burning stage of making a disc. This is when the menu pages and navigation of the disc for the viewer are created.

The DVD authoring process then includes the encoding, very important stage where your whole media is compressed to the best possible quality to fit on the dvd disc and to meet the dvd specifications.

The DVD authoring software then takes all your audio/video/subtitles/menus creates the VOB, BUP and IFO files found on DVDs. This is followed by the final burning stage. Please contact for any specific requirements and we are happy to give you the quote.

Guide Prices: (Please contact for precise price)
Menu Pages 0 0 2 4 8
Buttons Per Page 0 0 5 5 5
Footage Time / Minutes up to 60 120 30 60 120
Chapter Points Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DVD-R 4.7GB Master disc
(with printing)
1 1 1 1 1
Price £45 £60 £100 £150 £200


The Last Ones - Blu-ray Authoring

Picture Stories - DVD Authoring

Nick Cave & Bad Seeds - One More Time With Feeling - Blu-ray Authoring

Mother Theresa & Me - Blu-ray authoring by EditHouse